How to Pass a Skype Interview

Skype Interview

Many employers today are using video calls to interview a potential employee. And because using this modern technology is relatively new in the industry, there are many people that are not able to pass a Skype interview. Here are the things that you should know to be able to nail those video call interviews.

  1. Do a research about the company that will interview you. Know the profile of the company and everything that you can find using the social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
  2. Next on the list is preparation. This entails a lot of work in your part. This involves your dress, background of the room, the noise level of the place that you will choose for your interview. Yes, you can always wear your pajamas waist down but there are instances that you must stand up and adjust the camera or other equipment and if the interviewers see that you are half-dressed only, it can have a negative impact on the result of your interview.
  3. Practice makes perfect. There is no alternative to the good old method of practice. Make a mock interview with your friend and have it recorded. Watch your recording after and criticize yourself, that’s the only way to improve.
  4. Always wear a smile. Ever heard of the saying that when you smile, the whole world smiles to you. This will definitely make a good first impression on the part of your interviewer.
  5. Make it a point that you are focused and do not let anything distract you. Pay attention to the interviewer especially if he or she is a making a point or explaining something. Remember that they also observe if you are attentive and listens well.

So there you have it, 5 simple but effective tips to land your dream job. Remember that you must always use the best software for your video calls. Supertintin is the best Skype video call recorder today. You can record Skype calls whether audio or video calls. You can download Supertintin recorder at their website,



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