How To Disable Skype Ads

Disable Skype Ads

Ever wondered how to remove the ever so annoying Skype ads which pops up every time you open your Skype? If you want to get disable Skype ads in a very slick and simple way follow the instructions step-by-step below:

Block root advertisement app source via Internet Explorer

  1. Open up Internet Explorer.
  2. Navigate towards Internet Options
  3. Go to Security and check Restricted Sites
  4. Click Sites and add then press OK
  5. Go to General, click Delete, then click Delete again
  6. Now check your Skype there should be no blank or white spaces showing up. Note that the blank blocks are the former Skype ad spaces.

Block ad servers via Hosts file in Windows (warning: a bit technical)

  1. Press Windows+R and type C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  2. Add the lines below:
  3. Save and restart your Skype app.

Downgrade Skype

  1. Uninstall the current version Skype 6.10. Go to Start Up > Control Panel > Uninstall Programs. Find Skype version 6.10 and uninstall.
  2. After which, Download Skype 6.9 by doing a google search or maybe head to and search for the old version. After downloading install and enjoy Skype ad free chats and video calls. Keep in Mind that every time you log in your going to have some sort of a “nag message” that requires you to upgrade Skype. Just press “Not Now” and your good to go.

NOTE: We do not recommend this fix since it makes your computer vulnerable by using an older version of Skype. This was added in for completeness.

Skype ads might be annoying but honestly, it’s best to just ignore them since they don’t pop up in the middle of your chat or call. It also lets you find out about the latest offers of Skype which you might find useful as well.

PS: Need a way to record your calls? Get Supertintin’ s free skype video recorder.

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